Structural analysis/design technology
Fatigue analysis and life assessment technology
Structural Safety test and assessment technology (Static/dynamic
load test, fatigue and endurance test)
Client / Market
- Railroad car
- Construction machine /agricultural machine
- Defense industry (armored car, tank, etc.)
- Aircraft
Necessity of this Technology
- Safety, reliability, and weight reduction of the structure through the structural test
and assessment
Technical Differentiation
- Static load, dynamic load, fatigue load test for large full-scale structure
- 50 ton, 100 ton UTM
- Reaction test bed: 25 m(L)×12 m(W)×1 m(T)
- Reaction test wall: 25 m(L)×8 m(H)×1 m(T)
- Structural bearing capacity: 1,000 ton (distributed), 100 ton (point)
- Digital controller (FlexTest 200, 2 sets): Simultaneous control of 20 actuators each
station (8 stations)
Excellence of Technology
(Railroad car)Railroad car bogie frame/car body structure
- Research objective: Fatigue test of bogie frame structure for
railroad car
- Research content: Static load test, fatigue load test
- Fatigue test conditions (UIC615-4)
- Stage 1: 100% (vertical load + lateral load + twist load) 6,000,000 cycles
- Stage 2: 120% (vertical load + lateral load + twist load) 2,000,000 cycles
- Stage 3: 140% (vertical load + lateral load + twist load) 2,000,000 cycles
- Measured data: Strain gauges, LVDT (over 80 chs)
- Crack inspection: Magnetic particle test (MT)
- Domestic/Exporting railroad car
(KTX, Honam Line, maglev train, light rail)
(Construction machine/agricultural machine)
Construction machine/agricultural machine structure
- Research objective: Durability test for wheel loader front/axle,
agricultural machinery/harvesting machine structure
- Research content: Static load test, fatigue load test
- Fatigue test conditions
- Field test/working load analysis
- Durability condition, loading freq.
Design and development test for Korean armored vehicle and aircraft
- Durability test of wheeled armored vehicle frame structure
- Design and development test for T-50 fuselage design and
development test and Surion fuselage
- A Load-testing Apparatus for a Train Bogie Frame (KR0896952)
- Design technology for test apparatus for 4-score suspending
realizing vertical ground reaction force